original content creation

essays | articles | seo content | ghostwriting | copywriting | newsletters

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Check out my creative writing samples here, or scroll down to see samples of articles, essays, and SEO content.

Creative Sample 1: Scriptwriting

A dramatic writing sample that showcases my dialogue writing skills.

Creative Sample 2: Prose

A sample of my contemporary prose that shows character development & voice.

Creative Sample 3: Prose

A sample of fantasy writing that shows world building and descriptive detail.

featured articles


An Essay on Ectopic Pregnancy

I was writing a term paper when the pain began. I didn't know then that I was pregnant or that it wasn't viable.

All I knew was that it was impossible to focus with a deep and searing pain on the lower left side of my abdomen. I Googled things like "What side of your body is the appendix on?" and "What other internal organs can burst suddenly?"

I ricocheted madly from my desk to the bathroom to my dorm-room floor and back again for just over seven hours before I went to the emergency room.

It was April, and I was 21 years old…


Web Accessibility is not a Two-Dimensional Issue.

According to the World Health Organization, around 15% of the world’s population—or upwards of a billion people—lives with some form of disability. It’s a part of the human experience, and these days so is using the internet. Granted, not all disabilities affect web use. But designing with accessibility in mind isn’t just the right thing to do: it’s also good for business.


The Art of
Never Giving Up

Last week was one of those weeks where a handful of organizations decided to send out their rejections on the same day, a sort of kick 'er while she's down conspiracy. I'm fairly adept at bouncing back from the steady trickle of gracious declinations or outright refusals, fueling up on the intermittent yeses or waitlistings or finalings. But lately, more frequently than ever before, I have days where I think: might it be better if I turn my focus elsewhere?


What Doesn’t Kill You

I didn’t need a test to tell me what I already knew, bilious, bleary, and puking in someone else’s toilet. But I took one anyway, because that’s what I knew how to do, and what I’d done before. I saw the little blue plus sign emerge instantaneously as if to say, “Um. Obviously.”  

My previous run-ins with pregnancy—a ruptured ectopic pregnancy and then, 10 years later, a miscarriage—had settled like trauma in my body. I had always thought of my uterus as a hard, gnarled thing, twisted with scar tissue, inhospitable to any intrepid embryo that may have the misfortune of ending up there. 


Web Copy and Newsletter Design

articles, essays, and other samples

  • Viewpoints Acting Training: A Guide

    Viewpoints is a training concept that merges the physical with the psychological. Rather than asking actors to dive deep into their character’s motivations and backstories, Viewpoints provides a way for actors to consider their embodiment and movement.

  • Is Method Acting Dangerous?

    The widely esteemed technique of Method acting, made famous by the likes of Daniel Day-Lewis and Meryl Streep, involves actors fully immersing themselves into their characters—often to an extreme extent. However, it’s a double-edged sword, in which dramatic triumph may be accompanied by deep personal turmoil for a performer. The question then arises: Is Method acting dangerous?

  • How to Deliver a Soliloquy

    From Hamlet’s devastating “To be, or not to be,” to Dexter Morgan’s running internal dialogue, the soliloquy is far more than just a character talking to themselves. Here’s everything you need to know about soliloquies, how they differ from monologues, and how to deliver one that wows your audience.

  • The Best Villain Monologues to Bring Out Your Inner Baddie

    Little is more fun for an actor than a role they can really sink their teeth into, and some of the juiciest parts available are the bad guys. From the Joker to Gordon Gekko, Annie Wilkes to Regina George, becoming a villain makes for a rich and satisfying acting experience.

Check out the rest of the articles I’ve written for Backstage Magazine by clicking the button below!

The Intersection of Data Science & Public Health

Never has the intersection of data science and public health been so keen as it has been during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Now that we are rounding the corner on a year since the virus reached American shores, we have seen how vital it is that the surrounding data be accurately interpreted and that the corresponding findings are turned around quickly.

Putting Away the Pump

The pressure of being the sole source of nourishment and hydration for this tiny, helpless human was overwhelming, and I resented the idea that I would have to continue the solo operation of keeping the baby alive after giving birth. I had successfully grown and housed him in my body; once he left my body, I wanted to share that responsibility. My partner was just as capable a caregiver, and I wanted the freedom to turn some of the feeding duties over to him while, simultaneously, wanting to make sure that he and my son had ample opportunity to bond.

Parenting Amid Bisexual Stigma

A study conducted by the Society for Research in Child Development has shown that bisexual parents experience substantially greater stress than both gay and straight parents, with as much as 20 percent of those surveyed exceeding the threshold for a diagnosable psychiatric disorder. The increased stress of “double discrimination”—discrimination from both the straight and gay communities—puts bi people at higher risk for poor mental health outcomes. And that has troubling implications for our children.

read more article samples.

A Conversation with MOXIE Theatre’s Delicia Turner Sonnenberg

Founded in 2004, MOXIE Theatre was created to shatter stereotypes of “women’s work” and to bring new women’s voices to the American stage.

Starting Small But Dreaming Big

“We had no clients, no capital, no team, and no office space,” said Nikki. But in less than three years since 2011, BeyondCurious took off like a skyrocket, with an astonishing 500 percent annual growth rate.

From Selling Products to Solving Problems: Scott Jewett of Element-Y

“We switched the strategy,” Jewett says, “from selling a product to solving big problems.” The day he was set to close down was the day that they got their first big contract.

download ghostwriting samples


Website Copy


A sample of website copy, created for a therapy practice in Washington, D.C.

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Tech Tools Write-Up


A tech tools ghostwriting sample that looks at the Pomodoro Technique, the Noisli App, and LastPass.

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Fiction Ghostwriting


Radish Fiction is a mobile fiction app, and I was a ghostwriter on a number of their storylines. Here is one such example.

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